Friday, June 27, 2014

Baby P's Birth Story

Well my loves, as you know Baby P aka Pharaoh Calais Amar is officially here. He's actually squirming in my arms as we speak, trying to get to my boob. He was born on June 14, 2014 at 625 am, almost exactly 36 hours after early labor started . This was honestly the best birth ever but also the most anxious feeling one.

My pregnancy with P started off with me buying a pregnancy test one night in Oct. and hardly being able to sleep because I was so excited to take the test. Something just told me there was a lil bundle in there. I'll start off by saying the munchkin was not at all planned but I was so excited of the idea of adding a new addition to the Fantastics. Around 5 am I took the test and bam it was a POSITIVE. EEK. I immediately woke up Dre and then sent a pic of the test to my girlfriends and my favorite cousin. Ya skip that 12 week rule, they needed to know now. Dre and I once made a deal when we were younger that if we got married and had another kid, we would not find out the sex, have a water birth , and if it came out a girl the name would be Phoenix. So we stuck to the plan and the journey started. Later on in the pregnancy we decided if it was a boy his name would be Pharaoh, and that's how the nickname Baby P came about.

My pregnancy was pretty much smooth sailing except for the morning sickness that lasted up until 36 weeks. Hey no complaints now that I think about it because it meant a day off work.

The minute I hit month 9, I just couldn't wait to get this baby out. At 36 weeks I was 2 cm and 50% effaced. I'm thinking oh ya, this lil one is not lasting the full 40. Then came week 37 and I was still 2 cm but now 60-70% effaced. What the heck! It seriously felt like I was reading blogs every hour trying to find ways to get P out. So I picked up working out again since baby was full term. I seriously walked every day and did squats or stairs. I was bouncing on the exercise ball as well as figure 8's, and hip circles, and nothing. Week 38 I had not progressed at all and even tried to convince my midwife of a membrane sweep. But nope, she said I had wait until I was at least 40. Well at our week 39 apt on 6/12 I was still the same and was just convinced to chillax because P was coming on his/her own terms. Funny thing about my week 39 apt is we had a little party with other moms who were close to term and we all wrapped a red piece of yarn around our wrist and weren't supposed to cut it off until the first person had their baby. In my bad mood I cut mine off the minute we got home because my cervix couldn't be reached to do a sweep, and stomped up stairs to go to bed.

Labor Day! Is it real. Oh yes it was very real. I woke up around 6 am on 6/13 with some pretty interesting contractions. I knew they weren't BH because I felt them all over, and my BH's started around week 26, so I knew what those felt like. I told Dre I was pretty sure baby was coming and he was pretty much glad to know the journey was close to an end. I'm pretty sure he just wanted the baby out so he could torture me since I would always pick on him, knowing he couldn't get me back. Anyways, back to the story. The tractions never stopped but they also weren't getting any closer. So, we just played video games all day and I did some random working out to pass the time. Finally, they got closer but still manageable. I called the midwife hotline around 11pm to let them know I was in labor but let Pam know I was going to try to get some sleep and I would call if they hit the 1 min mark

Random things you do in labor (1st day)

Fast forward to second day of labor.

Amri making me laugh. She just knew she wasn't having any kids seeing me in labor

Just breathe

Holy cow, who knew labor could last so long. I was convinced I would be a wham bam thank you mam since it was my 3rd. Guess not. I mean I guess that was 8 years ago. To pass time in the morning my mom and I went to Walmart and to get donuts. The tractions finally hit a consistent 5 min apart so they had me come in to do a check. At around 12pm I was only 4 cm and 70% so she said to go home and have lunch and try to walk for 2 hrs. humph, fine then. I took a quick 1 hr nap and then headed to the mall with my mom and Alex. By now, things started to move pretty fast. My goal was 2 hrs and I lasted 1 hr & 45 min before I said to hell with it and went to a new sub shop called Togo's. Once we got home, I ate maybe 3in of that sub before I dropped to my knees and told my mom to call Bettie and let her know I needed to push. Oh man, it was time! She told us to get there asap.

At this point, I'm thinking maybe I am at a 6 max 8cm. I mean it had only been 4 hrs since we were last there. So, I brushed my teeth really quick and then Dre pushed 95 on the highway to get us there. Laboring in the car is not fun! There is no where to go and you don't know how long the ride is going to last. I was grabbing on to the seat, to the door handle, basically anything that I could grasp. My wonderful midwife Bettie & my doula Tori were outside waiting for us. I guess when you tell them you need to push, they take that very serious.

Needless to say I was at 9cm when she checked me. Um, what do you mean a 9! I sent the same message to everyone. I am a 9 come now! I then hopped in the tub and the tractions just kept on coming. They tell you to do a deep moan like a whale, but half the time I was screaming like a dying cat and kept apologizing because a mom had just given birth in the next room. Less than an hr later I told everyone I needed to push and then yelled out, "This must be the ring of fire" as I felt P coming into the world. Mind you I am on my knees at this point and Dre is behind me, so they told him where to put his hands so he could catch P. I pushed twice and all I hear is a laugh from Dre and him say, "It's a Boy!" (And what a very cute boy).

After giving birth, I was in pure bliss. This little man was so calm and just relaxed on me while we got checked. We both did such an awesome job that we were out of the birth center within 3 hours. Of course we had to do a toast with the family before we departed and then we headed home. It was honestly such an amazing journey and I can't wait to do it again.