Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Being around famiy makes you appreciate them more and more. No matter what you may go through with them by the end of the day all the time you spend together makes you love them more and more. I absolutely love mine and my babes family. From the bottom of my heart I can truly say that I can definitely understand that the true meaning of family. No matter what this will always be my family and I would never want to replace them. Christmas isnt only a time to celebrate what people consider jesus and Its not only a time for kids to watch Christmas movies and drink hot coa coa and open presents but also a time of year as an excuse to get with your family, create memories, act crazy and then go back in time and say "remember when we did this and that" I love you all even those I can't always spend the holidays with. Trust you will always be in my heart and I will always make the time to tell you happy holidays and I love you all so much. If I can't tell you it personally know that I mean it and I will always mean it. I love you all. Hugs and Kisses