Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Your greatest enemy

I learned today that my greatest enemy is the fact that I won't accept defeat, which in return does not allow me to accept others when they accept defeat. I also am a very motivated person with many goals in life and not only as a mom but as a person who is trying to fulfill the reason why she was even given a chance to breath on this earth, I don't understand how people live for today and not for tomorrow. Today you may have a good job, but what if tomorrow you got fired, at least you prepared yourself. As a mom I can get stressed, my kids drive me up the wall sometimes, but at the end of the day they are my kids and I want whats best for us. Many people underestimate my strengths because I am an emotional person. But don't let my emotions full you for a second, I am a very strong individual and yes I tip my hat to my own success because I worked hard for it. I have the loving support of immediate family but at the same time I have had no support. I know what it's like to have a parent give you up, to have a parent on drugs, to have a parent live from pay check to check. My mom has always been my rock and her ups and downs make me a stronger person and my own ups and downs make me a stronger person. I challenge myself to climb up to the mountain top, I challenge you to climb up to the mountain top. I will give myself a break when I have made it because defeat I will not accept.

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